Monday, September 29, 2008

over a year ago ...

I posted to this blog.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Okay, correct me if I am wrong but is this not the most pathetic thing you have ever heard?

Today I am at work and around 11am, I went out and bought a pack of smokes. I have only two co-workers, both of which smoke. We had been on several smoke breaks throughout the morning and a few hours ago co-worker #1 and I were on our way out the door to have a break, co-worker #2 was on his way to follow, I thought he was out of smokes so I yell back, "go ahead and grab a smoke off my desk", he does, and joins us outside in the smoking area. Now, flash forward to about 10 minutes ago. I walk into co-worker #2's office to set a fax on his desk and what do I find? I find that he not only DOES have a pack of smokes but also three of the Newports from my pack on his desk! Now what kind of sense does that fucking make? So what in the hell is this guy ripping my smokes off for? Amazing. I guess if you knew the back-up story on this guy and how ridiculously pathetic he is, maybe you would have a deeper understanding on why this little shenanigan makes my blood boil. Have I bummed a smoke off of him? Yes, but never when I have had my own, I guess I would consider that, um, I don’t know … stealing!! What an ass.

I just simply took the smokes back. I think that it would just make him feel like too much of an ass to call him out on it, I guess that he has a pathetic enough of a life as is, I don’t need to point out his ridiculousness to him.

Friday, July 20, 2007


I did not realize that "Beach" was my 100th post! Anyway .. moving on,

Sometimes I have the most random memories pop into my mind, this morning I was just walking down the hall at work and bam, I was taken back to 1996 when a friend and I were shopping at the Lima Mall and I had a sudden attack of the sneezes, I then wiped my hands on a pair of jeans, gross hugh, hey, I was like 17. But where the hell did that memory come from? I have not once thought of it since then and why now would that be the thought I have? The mind is a very strange thing.

A week or so ago I had a memory come to me from once when I was working in a bar, and a man propositioned me that if I kissed him he would give me a $100.00 tip, this is a memory that pops into my mind often, not because of the guy but because I actually thought about it for a second, it makes my stomach turn to this day. I honestly thought about it, like what am I, a prostitute? Needless to say, I didn't do it and did not receive a $100.00 tip.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Home again

Florida vacation was fun! It was really hot there but it was better than being at work which is basically the hottest place anywhere considering I work in the depths of hell.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Well kids I am outta here, going on va-ca with some of my most favorite peeps, Mr. Snapp, BCuz SK, and Co.

Sure to be good times.

Some day I will figure out how to post pictures and I will get some on here.

Monday, July 09, 2007

A few things ....

1. Something is wrong with Blogger and it will not allow me to put a title on this post.

2. It is way better to pee in grass than on pavement.

3. M&M's "melt in your mouth and not in you hand" is a crock of shit.

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